Pine Shores Art 
CLASSES - Children & Teens
Celebrating over 40 years of  fine arts in the community

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At Pine Shores Art Association, we want to see your kids love - and 
confidence for art - grow and grow!

Please have your artist join us this Spring !  In the summer, we’ll learn about artists and their creative processes. While utilizing the art elements, we’ll encourage the young artist’s own creative self-expression and independence in each lesson. 

Our artists will paint on professional easels, use a variety of colorful artists media, and learn the art of printmaking.

We will be offering new and exciting projects for our artists each week!
Quotes from Paul Klee

A line is a dot that went for a walk.

One eye sees, the other feels.

A single day is enough to make us a little larger or, another time, a little smaller.
A few pictures from the class recently. The artist was Etel Adnan. The focus was abstracted landscapes and the steps in making preliminary sketches using cut paper. The final image was then painted on canvas
 Scholarship winner !
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Children & Teens Classes / Workshops
Email for education purposes: [email protected]