Note from Pine Shores President...
In creating, the only hard thing is to begin;
A grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak.
James Russell Lowell
Hello, my creative friends,
How many times have you stared at a blank page and maybe walked away, thinking tomorrow there might be a flash of insight (brilliance?)
that would enable you to create the masterpiece your subject matter deserves?
PSAA has been hard at work setting up classes, many of which are labeled
“beginners”, some with supplies included, which we hope will prod the newbies to
stick your necks out and put down that first slash of color.
The General Meeting demo by Kim Cesaretti is on the value study. It’s an important step in knowing how to begin your painting. I’m thinking of taking this one myself.
Arlene Marcoe will offer a beginners oil class in May. People sometimes shy away from oils. I think oils are easier because if you don’t like what you just laid down, simply wipe it off. Supplies for this beginners’ class are on us! What have you got to lose?