Pine Shores Art 
Celebrating over 40 years of  fine arts in the community

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Ocean County Library Contacts 

Click for the Library List... it has been updated!  Artists should contact the libraries directly for availability to exhibit their paintings. 

For Pine Shores Art Association
Barbara Kraemer 
POP Program
If interested in teaching a lesson at a local nursing home, join us for a meeting at Pine Shores Art in Stafford. If you want more information, contact 
Linda Saladino at 609-660-8062.

PineShoresOutreachProgram meetings 
are the third Wednesday of the odd months.

Next meeting is Wednesday, 
March 19th, 9:30am.
Stafford Library Winter Show

Drop by!
129 North Main Street
Manahawkin, New Jersey 08050-2157


Open to Members & non-Members 
Portrait Sessions

Weekly on Thursday evenings, 7-9pm at 
PSAA Stafford Gallery, 
94 Stafford Ave, Manahawkin 
Next one March 6th

...and 2nd & 4th Sunday afternoons, 1-3pm 
(next one March 9th) at 
PSAA Tuckerton Art Center, 
140 E Main St, Tuckerton
Driveway shared with Wells Fargo Bank, 
free parking behind the Art Center

$5 fee at each session

Anyone interested in portrait modeling? contact Paul at
 [email protected]
NOW thru April 22nd...
Open to Members and non-Members
Undraped Model Sessions

Each session is planned for the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening of each month from 7-9pm at the 94 Stafford Ave Gallery location in Manahawkin. Lee Stacy is the monitor and is planning the next session on March 12th.

PSAA Long Pose Drawing Session Reminder, 
94 Stafford Ave. Manahawkin 7-9 PM, fee $12, 
no membership required.

$12 fee at each session

Anyone interested in modeling? contact Lee at
[email protected]